Freddie Mac House Price Index

The Freddie Mac House Price Index, commonly known as FMHPI®, is a tool that measures the typical price change for homes in the U.S. over time. Think of it like a yardstick for the housing market, showing how much home prices have gone up or down in different areas. This index is special because it doesn't just look at the prices of homes being sold; it also considers the price changes of the same homes over time. This way, it's more accurate than just looking at the average price of homes sold at any time, which can be misleading if, for example, more expensive or larger homes are being sold more often. The FMHPI® is valuable for several reasons: Understanding Trends: It helps us see the big picture of the housing market, showing whether it's a good time to buy or sell a home. Comparing Regions: You can compare how home prices are doing in different parts of the country. Making Decisions: If you're in the real estate business, like selling homes or giving out mortgages, this index can guide your decisions. Economic Indicator: Since the housing market is a big part of the economy, the FMHPI® can also signal how the overall economy is doing. In professional real estate work, the FMHPI® is a trusted source for gauging the health and direction of the housing market, helping with everything from making investment decisions to setting policy.

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